You agree that upon purchasing our services, you clearly understand and agree to what you are purchasing and will not file a fraudulent dispute. Upon a fraudulent attempt to file a dispute terminate your account or permanently ban your IP address if necessary.

Once an order is placed after reading all the terms of services and refund policy no cancellations/stops/removing will be made.

Misplaced orders will not qualify for a refund. 

Fraudulent activity including but not limited to unauthorized or stolen credit cards will lead to termination of your account.

Please do not place multiple orders for the link with the same service. For example you may order views/likes/comments at the same time for the same link, but not 2 different likes services for the same link at the same time, wait for the first one to complete then place another order.

No refund will be made once you order for a no guarantee(no refill,cheap) service and if the order experience a drop or under delivery.

Any organic views, followers, likes or any engagement gained while having a running orders will be counted as delivered to your order. No refund/refill will be made for this case.

Please do not place an order for a link on our website and another website at the same time.

No refunds will be made to your payment method after a deposit has been completed, there is no way to reverse it. You must use your balance on orders from Trendspherepro. Orders placed in the website will not be refunded or canceled after they are placed. You will receive a refund credit to your  account if the order is non deliverable.

Misplaced/Wrong or Private account orders will not qualify for a refund. Be sure to confirm each and every order before placing it. Changing username or removing the video/photo/profile/post while on process is againts our terms and wont cover a refund. Multiple orders for same link and same service will not cover for a refund also.


Trendspherepro is in no way liable for any account suspension or picture deletion done by Instagram or Twitter or Facebook or YouTube or Other Social Media or  will not be responsible for any damages you or your business may suffer.

Service Policy

Trendspherepro rates are subject to change at any time without notice. The terms stay in effect in the case of rate changes.

Trendspherepro do not guarantee a delivery time for any services. We offer our best estimation for when the order will be delivered. This is only an estimation and we will not refund orders that are processing if you feel they are taking too long.

Our support team are trying hard to deliver exactly what is expected from us by our re-sellers. In this case, we reserve the right to change a service type if we believe it necessary to complete an order.

Cancellation Request: This is an automatic server we cannot cancel once you place an order so be careful, however we accept cancel request if we failed to refill/deliver your order. We accept cancelation request if your order is more than 24 hrs or more than the stated processing time and still didn't start and you want to cancel.  If order is eligible for cancellation it will take 3-7 days upon request. We cannot cancelled orders that already in progress/completed and has no issue by that time.

Refill Request: Once the quantity drops and the services that you chose doesn't have a refill guarantee, the site will not be liable for it and will not make a refill/refund in any case.

Refill Policy

No refill will be made to your order if it drops below the start count.

No refill will be made to your order if refill period outlined in the description if the order has already ended.

No refill will be made to your order if the service has no refill.

No refill will be made to your order if a new order has been made for the same link and there is overlap. 

During refill process its the user's responsibility to check, follow up or send supporting documents such as screenshots regarding his refill request.

This policy covers how we use your personal information. We take your privacy seriously and will take all measures to protect your personal information. Any personal information received will only be used to fill your order. We will not sell or redistribute your personal information to anyone. All personal information is encrypted and saved in secure servers.


We take privacy very seriously and will take every possible measure to protect your personal information. Any personal information received will only be used to complete your order and not sell or redistribute yours to anyone. All information is encrypted and stored in secure servers. 

TrendSpherePro strictly prohibits the use of its platform for political activities, illegal actions, or any activities that violate our terms of service. We are committed to maintaining a safe and ethical environment for all users.

Not following can cause your account to be suspended permanently and your funds cannot be withdrawable.